Private Cloud

Security with Your Private Cloud

DataHive’s promise is to provide the best possible solutions, services and support to help clients store their data safely and secure. In today’s Internet environment, every business, large or small must have the assurance that their sensitive and important electronic information will not be jeopardized.

Benefits of Your Private Cloud

Private Cloud hosting provides CPU, memory, storage, networking and security as a package. DataHive supplies the equipment and is responsible for housing, running and maintaining up to and including the operating system. Users choose from a range of a menu of options.

The benefits of your Private Cloud include the following:

  • lower costs with less physical equipment to purchase, operate, and repair
  • increased productivity with more flexibility and productivity
  • server space consolidation
  • simplified resources
  • greater flexibility
  • ease of provisioning
  • reduce power and cooling requirements
  • portability
  • systems backup and disaster recovery
  • uninterrupted maintenance
  • management tools to automate tasks
  • run multiple operating systems and applications

Contact DataHive today at 403-313 1106 or to take the first step towards a more efficient, scalable, and secure data.